Increased penalties for OWI arrests could be looked at in 2019

Drunk Driving
Drunk Driving

MADISON, WI (WSAU-WAOW) -- Some are hoping that 2019 will be the year that Wisconsin gets tough on first-time OWI offenders.

During his campaign Governor-Elect Tony Evers remained open to the possibility of changing the law that currently allows first-time OWI offenders to avoid criminal charges, instead of paying only civil fines.

“I think personally law enforcement would be for a stricter penalty for a first offense and I think the legislature has looked at different avenues to proceed with that different penalties,” said Sergeant RJ Lurquin with the Dane County Sheriff’s Department in audio obtained by WAOW TV.

The concern with increasing the penalty is an increase in the jail population, which Evers said concerns him. During the campaign, he said if a first offense does bring jail time with it, he would like to see more programs put in place to allow those offenders back into society following their sentence.

Outgoing Governor Scott Walker said he was not in favor of increasing the penalty. However, did sign legislation during his tenure that beefed up penalties for repeat offenders, including an automatic felony for a 4th OWI conviction.
